Monday, September 7, 2009

J-Rock: Our Eastern cousin

J-rock started way back in the 70's and the 80's. It's the Japanese’s own version of psychedelic rock back in the days. The trend was started by college students, mainly in Kyoto. The boom continued into something bigger which resulted in their own type of music; Japanese Rock. Some of the pioneers that helped to create the trend was X Japan, Glay, Gazette, and L’arc~en~ciel. Jrock is branched out to two streams, visual Kei where the band emphasize more on look s rather than music and normal Jrock bands where they create catchy music that everyone can follow.


Sweet Daisies said...

hey guys,
i'm very impressed with your great effort. However, being a PR person, the wording are important for me. Some spelling/grammar stuff, just minor stuff. Btw, I L.O.V.E the song I heard on the Ipod thingy!. so cool!

Sweet Daisies said...

i love the simple yet attractive design however, I would like to see some 'interactivity' in your blog such as links, comments etc.